Tag Archives: dead

Weekly Eldritch: Nosferatu (1922)


It’s time once again for your weekly creepy thing. Now I know all the newfangled moviemaking technology and CGI wizardry can deliver some pretty frightening stuff, but I dearly love the old movies and the vampire played by Max Schreck in the 1922 German silent film Nosferatu is so absolutely creepy he still stands up after all these years.

Speaking of which, here’s a film clip of him doing just that – standing up. (I love this bit.)… Continue reading

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Weekly Eldritch: Fantasia / Night on Bald Mtn

This week’s item of creepiness is the Night on Bald Mountain segment of Disney’s 1940 film Fantasia. Now the music by Mussorgsky is pretty dramatically frightening all by itself, so adding a host of demons to the top of said mountain just adds to the scariness.

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Filed under Animation, Eldritch

Shpooky prompt

Here’s a Monday morning Writing Prompt for you. The only thing better than the craziness of this photo is the name of the movie it comes from: Voodoo Man (1944).

Looks like a seance to me. Who are all these people? And what happens next?


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Weekly Eldritch: Dead Things in Museums

Apologies for missing a couple of weeks there, I hope Hallowe’en filled in the creepy-things gap for you. Now back to it – my weekly offering of spooky tings, courtesy of the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto.

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Weekly Eldritch: Masks

IMGP1304 - Version 2This first photo is an old one I took at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York years ago and unfortunately I don’t have any more info about this creepy devil dog, or devil horned sheep maybe? Actually, I think a devil sheep would be far scarier than your boring everyday demon hound.

There’s really something unsettling about someone covering their face with a mask, concealing their identity and pretending to be someone or something else. It’s just too bad that masks have gone out of vogue at Hallowe’en, for the younger kids anyway, because of fears that their vision will be hampered when crossing the street. Say what you will, face paint doesn’t allow you to disappear into your character quite as effectively as a mask does.

The following photos were taken in the First Nations exhibit at the Royal British Columbia Museum in Victoria.



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Saving the best for last, this one is called “Man Burned by Fire”. Yikes!

How about you? Are you creeped out by people wearing masks?

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Return of the Weekly Eldritch…

Okay, so I let this slide for a while, but it’s back! Here once more is a weekly offering of creepiness for your viewing pleasure.

This is one that I’ve had up on my office wall for years and years, a classic of the macabre.

The Gashlycrumb Tinies

by Edward Gorey


During my school talk last week C. from the Saltspring Centre School shared this as an eldritch spot that really creeps him out: “under my brother’s bed!”

If anyone out there has something eldritch to share, please leave a comment below or email me! (see CONTACT above)

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Weekly Eldritch 2: Poe and a Dead Fish

Has a week gone by already? Welcome to Thursday and your weekly creeply. I was just scanning through my vast reserves of old photographs (I take a LOT of photos) looking for something eerie and – yipes! This one made me jump a bit. A dead fella we came across on the beach last summer. A dogfish I think I heard someone say? Whatever, he’s a creepy one for sure, with that doleful eye and all.

Last week’s link/list of ghost stories reminded me of this little thriller I found on youtube a while back. Sit back and enjoy…

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