Here’s a little self-isolation game for you. It’s like ‘Where’s Waldo’ but way more intellectual…
(* and yes, I know I’m conflating Surrealism here with Dada and general Avant-gardeism, but I liked it as a title! Enough with the quibbling!)

Here’s a little self-isolation game for you. It’s like ‘Where’s Waldo’ but way more intellectual…
(* and yes, I know I’m conflating Surrealism here with Dada and general Avant-gardeism, but I liked it as a title! Enough with the quibbling!)
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Filed under Isolation Picks, Miscellaneous Fun-ness, Movies
The game that has taken my writing club by storm recently is what I call the Fill-in-the-Blanks Story. We start by writing words on slips of paper and dropping them into the appropriate bowls: NOUN (character), NOUN (object), NOUN (location), ADJECTIVE, VERB, or ADVERB. Then we proceed with the story and draw a word every time we need to fill in a blank. The results can be… weird. Continue reading
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Filed under Get Writing!, Miscellaneous Fun-ness
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Filed under Eldritch, Miscellaneous Fun-ness
The Seattle Public Library sets a world record for longest book domino chain. Why are these so satisfying to watch?
p.s. Nice looking library!
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Filed under Miscellaneous Fun-ness