Category Archives: Isolation Picks

Isolation Picks 2: It’s all about Comfort

I’m not sure when you started self-isolating, but we’re into our third week now. Today is the last day of March, so we can all bid adieu to a kind of crappy month and turn our thoughts to the next, kind of crappy month. Oh but it won’t be so bad because the weather will be getting nicer and nicer. Really, it will!

Here are a few more diversions for you, if you are in need. A Music, a Book, and a Treat, all warm and comforting. More cheerful movie picks to come tomorrow.

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Filed under Isolation Picks

Can you Spot the Surrealist*?

Here’s a little self-isolation game for you. It’s like ‘Where’s Waldo’ but way more intellectual…

(* and yes, I know I’m conflating Surrealism here with Dada and general Avant-gardeism, but I liked it as a title! Enough with the quibbling!)

Note the advice to “wear dark glasses and something to cover your ears”, and “Stay in your seats.”
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Filed under Isolation Picks, Miscellaneous Fun-ness, Movies

Why Watch Old Movies? or: The Consolation of History

(Yes, another blog post about the pandemic, or at least about watching movies during the pandemic. It does, however, apply to non-isolation movie viewing as well.)

Mrs. Miniver (1942)

So why is now a good time to watch old movies? As everyone is shut up at home waiting out the high tide of covid-19, I know many are looking to Netflix and other streaming services for distraction and solace. If you do, consider this: old movies may be more consoling than newer flicks.

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Filed under Isolation Picks, Movies

Isolation Picks

The thing about self-isolating for me, is that my days haven’t changed all that much. The biggest change, besides suspension of chauffeuring duties, is that now when I sit at home I know I’m not missing anything…

Anyhoo, for those of you less accustomed to hermiting, here are some of my current picks: a Music, a Book, a Chocolate, and a final bit of Bird Wisdom.

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