Category Archives: Eldritch

Weekly Eldritch: Dolls are Talking to Me!

Bwa ha ha!

For newcomers to this site, every Thursday I post a Weekly Eldritch, or something I find creepy.

(eldritch = unearthly, alien, supernatural, weird, spooky, eerie)

Last week I mentioned an art installation I saw many years ago and Jan came to the rescue and identified the artist so I could look him up. The artist in question is Tony Oursler and this is what I saw that made my skin crawl…


Basically you walk into a darkened, quiet gallery room and there’s this limp doll lying on a chair with a face projected on it… and the face is talking, or rather whispering to you. Something about having a secret, I don’t remember exactly, but it was spooky!

Here is Tony Oursler’s home site, with tons of photos of his work, much of which is decidedly eldritch.


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Weekly Eldritch: Masks

IMGP1304 - Version 2This first photo is an old one I took at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York years ago and unfortunately I don’t have any more info about this creepy devil dog, or devil horned sheep maybe? Actually, I think a devil sheep would be far scarier than your boring everyday demon hound.

There’s really something unsettling about someone covering their face with a mask, concealing their identity and pretending to be someone or something else. It’s just too bad that masks have gone out of vogue at Hallowe’en, for the younger kids anyway, because of fears that their vision will be hampered when crossing the street. Say what you will, face paint doesn’t allow you to disappear into your character quite as effectively as a mask does.

The following photos were taken in the First Nations exhibit at the Royal British Columbia Museum in Victoria.



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Saving the best for last, this one is called “Man Burned by Fire”. Yikes!

How about you? Are you creeped out by people wearing masks?

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Weekly Eldritch: Dolls and Doll Parts!


Here’s a spooky doll I had as a child, though when I was a kid I didn’t think she was spooky. What makes her so creepish? The bulbous forehead? The tiny body? The Stepford Wives dress? The big eyes? The eye colour??

There’s something about old toys, and especially dolls, that can be particularly eerie. The most serious case of chills I ever got in an art gallery was over a rag doll lying on a chair with a real person’s moving face projected onto its blank head… and you could hear it whispering. Made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, that’s for sure. I will try to find out who the artist was on that one – I know I wrote it down in a notebook somewhere…

Finally, here’s a link to some seriously creepy sculptures made entirely of doll parts. Yoiks.

p.s. Here’s what happens when you pull the string on my doll…

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Filed under Eldritch

Weekly Eldritch: Fish!

Maybe it’s because I’m a prairie girl, but to my mind there’s something about the ocean that just breeds creepiness. I’m not talking about fish that look like fish, or those cute and clever dolphins or anything like that. I’m talking about those sea creatures that you see on nature shows and say “What IS that??” There are true grotesqueries that inhabit the deepest black ocean depths, but there are also weirdos in the shallows. And in the tank at your local Rainforest Café! Witness the Unicorn Fish:

unicorn fish

When I spotted this odd fellow he gave me shivers. Something about a fish with a human face and long nose that just does not seem right.

Wikipedia tells me: “The unicorn fishes are tropical, herbivorous marine surgeonfishes in the genus Naso. They are so named because of a spike that protrudes from the forehead. Some species have a bulbous protrusion rather than a pronounced spike…”  Okay, so if there’s anything that could make this guy creepier, it would have to be the thought of him being a surgeon…

Here’s another one that boggles my mind – the big flat Sunfish. A cafeteria tray with fins.


Is there anything in the ocean that geeks you out?

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Return of the Weekly Eldritch…

Okay, so I let this slide for a while, but it’s back! Here once more is a weekly offering of creepiness for your viewing pleasure.

This is one that I’ve had up on my office wall for years and years, a classic of the macabre.

The Gashlycrumb Tinies

by Edward Gorey


During my school talk last week C. from the Saltspring Centre School shared this as an eldritch spot that really creeps him out: “under my brother’s bed!”

If anyone out there has something eldritch to share, please leave a comment below or email me! (see CONTACT above)

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Weekly Eldritch 3: rusty screws and a meat watch

This is going back for me; I used to watch all the Brothers Quay films I could find when I was attending film school. Just the kind of technically sophisticated, totally inscrutable short films that film students adore!

Because nothing is creepier than old broken-down toys…

For more information on the Brothers Quay, including a list of films, click here.

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Weekly Eldritch 2: Poe and a Dead Fish

Has a week gone by already? Welcome to Thursday and your weekly creeply. I was just scanning through my vast reserves of old photographs (I take a LOT of photos) looking for something eerie and – yipes! This one made me jump a bit. A dead fella we came across on the beach last summer. A dogfish I think I heard someone say? Whatever, he’s a creepy one for sure, with that doleful eye and all.

Last week’s link/list of ghost stories reminded me of this little thriller I found on youtube a while back. Sit back and enjoy…

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Weekly Eldritch

I love learning new words. I love really unusual words, ones that are useful but little known, that roll off the tongue and kind of sound like what they mean. When I came across the word ‘eldritch’ I liked it so much I used it in the title of my novel.



  1. unearthly, alien, supernatural, weird, spooky, eerie

    • 1790 — Robert Burns, Tam o’ Shanter
      So Maggie runs, the witches follow,
      Wi’ mony an eldritch skriech and hollo.
    • 1850 — Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Scarlet Letter, ch VII
      Pearl, in utter scorn of her mother’s attempt to quiet her, gave an eldritch scream, and then became silent.

etymology:  Middle English from earlier elrich, equivalent to Old English el- (“foreign, strange, uncanny”) (see else ) + rīċe “realm, kingdom” (see rich ); hence “of a strange country, pertaining to the Otherworld”; compare Old English ellende “in a foreign land, exiled” (compare German Elend “penury, distress” and Dutch ellende “misery”), Runic Norse alja-markir “foreigner”.

(courtesy of Wikipedia/Wiktionary)

I’ve decided that it might be fun to give you a ‘Weekly Eldritch’ on this blog – just something to creep out your Thursdays a little bit. Today it’s graveyard photos and a spooky link.

The photos I took several years ago in Woodlawn Cemetery, New York (the Bronx to be exact). Both photos are of the same statue. I love the way the original form still shines through no matter how eroded by time, the elements… and air pollution too, no doubt.

Here’s the link – a great list of 10 of the Creepiest Ghosts in Literature from I’ve read only four of these (it occurs to me that I probably haven’t actually read A Christmas Carol, but I feel like I know it by heart), and there are a couple titles I’ve never even heard of.

What do you think of the list? Are there any additions you’d make?

And please share whatever eldritch oddities you may come across!

Right. Now I’m off to order The Haunting of Hill House  from my local library…

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