Weekly Eldritch: Dolls and Doll Parts!


Here’s a spooky doll I had as a child, though when I was a kid I didn’t think she was spooky. What makes her so creepish? The bulbous forehead? The tiny body? The Stepford Wives dress? The big eyes? The eye colour??

There’s something about old toys, and especially dolls, that can be particularly eerie. The most serious case of chills I ever got in an art gallery was over a rag doll lying on a chair with a real person’s moving face projected onto its blank head… and you could hear it whispering. Made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, that’s for sure. I will try to find out who the artist was on that one – I know I wrote it down in a notebook somewhere…

Finally, here’s a link to some seriously creepy sculptures made entirely of doll parts. Yoiks.

p.s. Here’s what happens when you pull the string on my doll…

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Filed under Eldritch

2 Responses to Weekly Eldritch: Dolls and Doll Parts!

  1. jan

    Tony Oursler is the artist. Totally creeped me out too…