Category Archives: Miscellaneous Weirdness

My Silent Movie Obsession

This was going to be a post about my latest writing projects, but after watching a seriously silly movie last night I decided to write instead about silent movies. I’ve loved old movies since I discovered the Late Show on the two TV channels we had in the 1970s, so I’ve always been a fan of the obvious stars – Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton et al – but recently I’ve been doing research for a new book (more on that in another post to come) and have been digging deeper for lesser known gems. I compiled a list of silents that I wanted to watch (yes, I created a spreadsheet for this. I love lists) and was happily proceeding in chronological order.

The Great Train Robbery (1903), dir. Edwin S. Porter

The very early shorts (1895-1905) are dominated by the Lumière brothers and Georges Méliès, then the Americans respond with some energetic though rather crude efforts like The Great Train Robbery. I spent many months watching the Biograph shorts directed by D.W. Griffith between 1909 and 1914, which are at the heart of the new book I’m writing, so I will definitely have more to say about them in future posts. During this period Griffith was churning out lively little potboilers at a rate of 2-3 per week, so even though many seem to be lost, there is still a lot to see!

After that I became interested in early films from other countries, beyond the obvious ones like The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari or Battleship Potemkin. Thanks to the almighty internet, I have found some really fascinating Danish, German, Swedish, Italian, French, British, Russian and Japanese films.

Les Vampyres (1915), dir. Louis Feuillade

And then, yesterday, I happened to come across this Silent Era List of the 100 Top Silent Films. Not only the top 100, mind you: this site also lists the next 200 films that didn’t make the top 100! Oy! So much for my progress; I now have over 400 titles on my list!

Heiress inspects the prince her father bought for her.
The Oyster Princess (1919), dir. Ernst Lubitsch

Last night I picked out one I’d never heard of: The Oyster Princess (1919), directed by Ernst Lubitsch. This is one of Lubitsch’s early films, made in Germany before he went Hollywood. What a weird little delight this is. It’s kind of a fairy tale, kind of a parody of capitalism, but mostly just wacky. Apart from the creepy tendency of the heroine’s father to peek through keyholes, this one even ages relatively well.

Best title card ever: “A foxtrot epidemic suddenly breaks out during the wedding.”

It’s one hour in length and quite fun. I will continue to share my early movie finds here, if there’s enough interest!


Interested? Want to see some of these for yourself? As most silent movies were made between 1900 and the late 1920s, they are in the public domain and most are readily available online to stream for free. There are a lot of titles available on Youtube, as well as the two sites I go to most frequently, Internet Archive* and OpenCulture.

Want a list to guide you? This Top 10 Guardian list is a great starting point, listing the most critically acclaimed films. You can pick out a director you like and then hunt down their titles. Or you can go right to the mega list I mentioned earlier, at Silent Era.

“I could smash the whole house with joy!”

*I really love this site, but I am saddened to hear that there is a copyright brouhaha brewing between them and authors over printed material they post on their site for free. I need to find out more before I decide whether to continue using this resource – if you know more about this please let me know.

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Filed under Miscellaneous Weirdness, Movies, My Projects

Inktober: Faces Everywhere!

Inktober happens every October, it’s an online challenge to post a drawing every day for a month.

Now, I’m no artist, but I’m not afraid of drawing. I’m not one of the many people who decided “I can’t draw” at some point in childhood and except for Pictionary never doodle again. I can draw but I hardly ever draw. The only reason I even considered doing Inktober is that I have a daughter who is a dedicated/obsessive artist and loves online challenges. She jumped on the Inktober bandwagon so I did too. As other artists laboured over their work, composing, sketching, inking, colouring and shading, I sat on my bathroom floor for fifteen minutes every night drawing faces I saw in my floor tiles. Continue reading

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Filed under Miscellaneous Weirdness, Rambling

Another Fill-in-the-Blanks Story

IMG_5995 - Version 2Here’s another story for some Writing Group fun – another Fill-in-the-Blanks story. (See previous post for our first example.) Basically you just write words on slips of paper and drop them into the appropriate bowls: NOUN (character), NOUN (object), NOUN (location), ADJECTIVE, VERB, or ADVERB. Then proceed with the story and draw a word every time you need to fill in a blank.

Here’s one our Friday group came up with:

Fantastic Man and Fedora Dude

Go To School

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Filed under Get Writing!, Miscellaneous Weirdness, Writing Club

Question Answered…

You know how I asked in the post about pink fluorescent slugs and cannibal snails, “What would the most logical 3rd neighbour to the slugs and snails be?”

Well the same people who told us about the slugs and snails ( have also given me my answer: Glowing Millipedes! (Only they live in the US… on Alcatraz! This just gets better and better.)

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Filed under Miscellaneous Weirdness

You can’t make this stuff up…

Anyone out there who is sitting down to write today but can’t think of anything to write about, here’s a juicy tidbit for ya: giant fluorescent pink slugs on an Australian mountaintop. I kid  you not!


And in case that isn’t enough inspiration for you, that particular mountain also boasts cannibal snails! I mean, come on! Cannibal snails!! 

Possible writing prompts, if you still need a push:

1. Describe the kind of location where you would fully expect giant fluorescent pink slugs to live.

2. What would the most logical 3rd neighbour to the slugs and snails be? Hmm?

3. What happens when pink slug meets cannibal snail?

If you come up with anything you’d like to share, please put it in the comments!


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